Software test
Improvement project - PET
Seminars / Presentations
Reports / Papers
1. The Prevention of Errors through Experience-Driven Test Efforts (1996), Vinter O., P.-M. Poulsen, K. Nissen & J.M. Thomsen - ESSI Project 10438, Final Report, Brüel & Kjær A/S, 2850 Nærum.
2. The Prevention of Errors through Experience-Driven Test Efforts (1996), Vinter O., P.-M. Poulsen, K. Nissen, J.M. Thomsen & O. Andersen - DLT Report D-259, DELTA, Venlighedsvej 4, 2970 Hørsholm.
3. Experience-Driven Process Improvement Boosts Software Quality (1996), Vinter O. - Proceedings of the Ninth International Software Quality Week, Software Research, San Francisco, USA. (Presentation slides)
4. How to Apply Static and Dynamic Analysis in Practice (1997), Vinter O. - Proceedings of the Tenth International Software Quality Week, Software Research, San Francisco, USA. (Presentation slides)
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Test Improvement Project - PET
PET (The Prevention of Errors through Experience-Driven Test Efforts) was a project at Brüel & Kjaer with the objective to improve the efficiency of software testing based on defect analysis of error reports from previous projects.
By introducing methods and tools for static and dynamic analysis in our testing strategy, we achieved:
The results of the project were in a shorter form presented at e.g. SQW'96 under the title: "Experience-driven Process Improvement Boosts Software Quality" [3].
Our recommendations on how to use the test techniques were presented at e.g. SQW'97 and QWE'97 under the title: "How to Apply Static and Dynamic Analysis in Practice" [4].
PET is a Process Improvement Experiment funded by EU under the ESSI programme. ESSI (European System and Software Initiative) aims at improving Software Best Practice in Europe under the EU 4th Framework (ESPRIT).
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Seminars and Presentations
I present the results in a one day seminar titled: Improved Software through the Use of Static and Dynamic Analysis in Testing. The seminar will demonstrate how a company can increase its testing efficiency through the use of static and dynamic analysis, and how classification of problem reports can guide process improvement in a company.
I also give presentations on this subject varying from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on your needs.
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